
Women in Islam

The Great Women behind Great Men

(part 1 of 4): The Mother Behind every great man stands a woman; behind every man stands a great woman; behind every successful man stands a woman. These are three different versions of an old saying, best remembered as a feminist slogan of the 1960s and 1970s. When you think about it however, it rings true. How do we respond when we hear about the man whose mother gave up everything to give him an education, the woman who worked…

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The Hijab

What is the Hijab? The word Hijab comes from the Arabic root word ‘Hajaba’, which means to conceal or cover. In an Islamic context, Hijab refers to the dress code required for Muslim females who have reached puberty. Hijab is the requirement of covering or veiling the entire body with the exception of the face and hands. Some also choose to cover their face and hands and this is referred to as Burqa or Niqab. The Hijab is not required…

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Women’s Rights in Islam

Women in Islam are thought to be subjugated, degraded, oppressed – but are they really? Are millions of Muslims simply that oppressive or are these misconceptions fabricated by a biased media? “And for women are rights over men, similar to those of men over women.”Qur’an 2:228 Over fourteen hundred years ago, Islam gave women rights that women in the West have only recently began to enjoy. In the 1930’s, Annie Besant observed, “It is only in the last twenty years…

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The Burqa & Niqab | Uncovering the Facts

The burqa and niqab have become a topic of much controversy and heated debate. A number of countries have banned the wearing of these religious garments, while others have considered banning or limiting their use. Many arguments have been made against the wearing of the burqa and niqab, claiming they are anti-social, backward, oppressive, and not part of Islam. This pamphlet discusses the burqa and niqab from an Islamic viewpoint and addresses the many concerns and allegations made against the…

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Hijab in the Bible and Torah

(part 1 of 2): Hijab in Christian Denominations The literal meaning of hijab is to veil, to cover or to screen. It encompasses more than just a dress code; it is concerned with moral boundaries and respect for woman. It is part of community cohesion and modest behaviour. However, the term hijab has become interchangeable with the word scarf. The meaning is sometimes extended to cultural dress standards such as the burqa of Afghanistan, the chador of Iran and the…

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The Veil Unveiled: The True Status of Women in Islam

(part 1 of 3) The Islamic veil or hijab refers to the loose-fitting, plain and opaque outer garments which cover a Muslim woman’s body. While basically identical to the clothing depicted in traditional Christian representations of Mary (peace be upon her and her son), and every nun who has sought to emulate her since, the hijab is readily singled out as sign of extremism, the supposedly inferior status of Muslim women, Those who see Muslim women as little more than…

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Women’s Liberation through Islam

(part 1 of 2): The Various Rights Islam Gives to Women Today people think that women are liberated in the West and that the Women’s liberation movement began in the 20th century. Actually, the women’s liberation movement was not begun by women, but was revealed by God to a man in the seventh century by the name of Muhammad, may the mercy and blessings of God be upon him, the last Prophet of God. The Quran and the Sunnah of…

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Equality of Women in Western Tradition

Western Attitude towards Women Modern western attitude towards the female gender is a reaction to a long history of subjugation, rooted mainly in Judeo-Christian traditions. Perhaps, more accurately, one can assert that modern attitudes arose in post-reformation philosophies – ideas that appeared during the ‘era of enlightenment’. In contrast to this is the Islamic world view, one which finds its basis in the teachings found in the revelation given by God to the Prophet Muhammad. According to Muslims, the view…

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Female Circumcision in Islam

(part 1 of 2): The History of Female Genital Cutting (FGC) and its Types A common phenomenon which has been regretfully associated almost exclusively with Islam is the various forms of female genital cutting, or FGC[1]. Although many of those who are involved in this act attribute to the religion of Islam, the majority of the forms of FGC present in the world today which are acts truly abominable, acts of which the religion of Islam is innocent. In no…

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Why Do I Wear Hijab?

Probablemente no encajo dentro de la noción preconcebida de una “rebelde”. No tengo tatuajes visibles ni un piercing y no poseo una chaqueta de cuero. De hecho, cuando la mayoría de la gente me mira, su primer pensamiento está usualmente relacionado con la idea de “mujer oprimida”. Los valientes individuos que se han armado de coraje para preguntarme acerca de la forma en la que me visto usualmente tienen preguntas como: “¿Tus padres te hacen vestir eso?”; o: “¿No te…

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