The Slaughter of Livestock
(part 1 of 4): The Islamic Method of Slaughtering Although much less complicated and tedious that Jewish Keshrut, or Jewish dietary laws, Islam does legislate certain rules and regulation in regards to diet. All legislations which deal with this worldly life in Islam are based upon the precept of maximizing benefits and reducing harm, and if the harm of anything exceeds the benefits that might be gained from it, it is generally prohibited in Islam. God says: “They ask you…
Giving the salaam to the one who is praying
On the authority of Abu Sa’eed al-Khudri (radi Allaahu ‘anhu) that a man gave the salaam to the Messenger of Allaah (صلى الله عليه وسلم) while he was in prayer, so the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) replied by a gesture. And when the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) made the tasleem (and ended the prayer), he said to him: ‘Indeed we used to return the salaam (verbally) during our prayer, then we were prohibited from doing that.’” ~*~*~*~ Shaykh…
The shape and orbit of the earth (Part 2)
Question #10: “What do you say about the orbiting of the earth?” Shaykh al-Albānī answers: “We in fact don’t doubt that the matter of the orbiting of the earth is an indisputable scientific fact. At the same time, we believe that it is not the purpose of the Islamic legislation in general and the Qur’ān specifically to talk about astronomy and its details. Rather, this is included in the generality of (the Prophet’s) saying (صلى الله عليه وسلم) which Muslim…
The rulling on the one who abandons prayer (Part 1)
Question #5: “What is the ruling on the one who abandons the prayer? And what is the difference between al-kufr ul-ʽamalī[1] (the disbelief related to actions) and al-kufr ul-ʽitiqādī[2] (the disbelief related to faith)?” Shaykh al-Albānī answers: “The one who abandons the prayer has two states: either he believes in its legislation, or he denies its legislation. So regarding this second state, he is a disbeliever by the consensus of the Muslims. And likewise, whoever denies a matter from the…
The rulling on the one who abandons prayer (Part 2)
Hudhaifa bin al-Yamān said that the Messenger of Allāh (صلى الله عليه وسلم) said: “Islām will be erased just as the decoration of a garment is (worn out and) erased, until it will not be known what is fasting, nor prayer, nor the rituals of Hajj, nor charity; and the Book of Allāh, the Mighty and Majestic, (i.e., the Qur’ān) will be taken away (from the mus-hafs[1] and breasts of the people)[2] in one night such that not (even) an…
The rulling on the one who abandons prayer (Part 3)
Question #10: “What about the hadīth: ‘whoever abandons the prayer has disbelieved’?” [1] Shaykh al-Albānī answers: “This is not the first hadīth in which it is said that whoever does such-and-such has disbelieved. You have the famous hadīth ‘whoever swears by other than Allāh has disbelieved,’[2] but we don’t say that whoever says ‘by the life of my father’ has apostatized from his religion.[3] And you know, for example, the hadīth of ʽUmar bin al-Khattāb in Sahīh al-Bukhārī when the…
The rulling on the one who abandons prayer (Part 4)
*Question #23: “Our Shaykh, I am asking you about the issue of proofs with regard to the ruling on the one who abandons the prayer. In the treatise ‘The Ruling on the One who Abandons Prayer’ by Shaykh Muhammad Saalih al-’Uthaymeen, he is of the opinion that the one who abandons the prayer is a disbeliever, and he has many proofs, such as Allaah’s statement about the mushrikoon:[1] {But if they repent, perform salaah (the prayer), and give zakaah (obligatory…
It is not permissible for a woman to pray with her feet uncovered
Q: “Should a woman cover her feet when she prays?” Shaikh al-Albaani: “It is not permissible for her to pray with her feet uncovered, indeed it is not permissible for her to walk in the streets with her feet uncovered, because the feet are part of a woman’s `awrah based on Allaah’s Statement: {And let them not stamp their feet to make known what they conceal of their adornment}.1 The woman during the Days of Ignorance used to wear what…
Wives preventing polygyny
Question #3: “Is it allowed for the woman to come between her husband and polylgyny?” Shaykh al-Albānī answers: “Of course, I believe that it is not allowed for her (to do so) because of two reasons: The first (reason) is that she is hindering (her husband) from the path of Allāh and the other (reason) is that she is opposing the command of her husband… Because you know that the obedience of a woman to her husband is obligatory just…
The prostrations of forgetfulness
*Question #6: (a) “What is the general rule of the sujūd us-sahū (prostrations of forgetfulness)?” Shaykh al-Albānī answers: “(It is due upon a person) under any circumstances if (something was done or not done in prayer) out of forgetfulness, even if it is a sunnah.” *Question #12: (b) “Is the sujūd us-sahū before the salām or after the salām?” Shaykh al-Albānī answers: “Regarding every sujūd us-sahū, its doer has the choice between prostrating before the salām or after the salām….