The Ability to See the Signs of God
“Say: ‘Praise be to God. He will show you His Signs and you will recognize them. Your Lord is not heedless of anything you do.’” (Quran 27:93) “This is a communication to be transmitted to mankind so that they can be warned by it and so that they will know…
Soorat Al-Faatihah Explained
Al-hamdu lillaahi rabbil-‛aalameen “Praise be to Allah, the Lord of all the worlds.” (1:2): I extol Allah with all His attributes, acts and apparent and hidden blessings, with due love and reverence. Rabb (translated here ‘Lord’) refers to Almighty Allah, the Creator, Owner, Provider and Disposer of all affairs. The…
Performing The Prayer
The intention (niyyah) is one of the conditions of the prayer, without which the prayer will not be valid. The intention is the object for which the prayer is offered. Before offering the prayer, one must have in mind the intention to offer the specified prayer, as being the sunset…
Things to Know When Visiting a Mosque
Habeeba Husain Because the masjid, the house of worship for Muslims, is such a sacred space, there are etiquettes one must follow when visiting, whether they are going as a Muslim to pray or even just as a visitor. What should I wear at the masjid? One should be dressed…
Bible Prophecies of Muhammad (part 1 of 4): Witnesses of Scholars
The Bible is the sacred scripture of Judaism and Christianity. The Christian Bible consists of the Old Testament and the New Testament, with the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox versions of the Old Testament being slightly larger because of their acceptance of certain books not accepted as scripture by Protestants. …
Eight Major Events That Shook the World in Ramadan
Beginning with the descent of the Quran, the month of Ramadan has always signaled a month of important historical events. We’ve compiled a short list to capture only a selection of these great feats: 1. The Quran was revealed. As Allah mentions in Surah Al-Baqarah, Ramadan is the month in which…
God, in Arabic “Allah” is One. He is unique, nothing is like Him (He is not a man as some people might wrongly imagine), He is The Creator and Lord of everything (every, human, animal, plant, organism, star, galaxy; in fact the entire universe), and everything else other than Him…
Al-Qadr (The Night of Glory)
The chapter is famous for its declaration regarding the Night of Power (Laylat al-Qadr), during which the Quran was first revealed. This is universally believed to have occurred during the month of Ramadan, as stated in Quran 2:185. Muslims maintain that the Night of Power comes every year. Many reports…
The Family in Islam
The Appeal of Islamic Family Life In Islam, considering the well-being of the “other” instead of just the “self” is a virtue so rooted in the religion that it is evident even to those outside it. The British humanitarian and civil rights lawyer, Clive Stafford-Smith, a non-Muslim, stated: “What I…
Islamic Beliefs: Essentials of Faith in Allah
By: Mohamed Okasha Belief in Allah is the first and premier pillar of faith in Islam. It is the cornerstone of the Islamic creed and the basis on which one’s faith is built up. When entering Islam, a person declares that Allah is the Only God and He Alone deserves…