What is a Mosque?
A mosque is the building in which Muslims worship God. Throughout Islamic history, the mosque was the centre of the community and towns formed around this pivotal building. Nowadays, especially in Muslim countries mosques are found on nearly every street corner, making it a simple matter for Muslims to attend…
The Mosque
(part 1 of 2): More than a Place of Prayer The mosque or the building that Muslims refer to as the masjid is a familiar sight in most parts of the world. No matter what country or era, the mosque is built in it is always renowned for its unique…
Justice in Islam
The Meaning of Justice In the Islamic worldview, justice denotes placing things in their rightful place. It also means giving others equal treatment. In Islam, justice is also a moral virtue and an attribute of human personality, as it is in the Western tradition. Justice is close to equality in…
About Islam – a brief introduccion
Islam is a natural and complete way of life. It encourages one to give due attention to their relationship with their Creator (God). It teaches that people find true lasting happiness and peace through being close to God, following His guidance and performing good deeds. Muslims constitute approximately one fifth…
The Basis of Islam
The basis of the religion of Islam is the attestation to two phrases: (i) None is rightfully worshipped except God (La ilaaha ‘ill-Allah), and (ii) Muhammad is the Messenger of God (Muhammad-ur-Rasool-ullah). This phrase is known as theshahaadah, or testimony of faith. Through the belief and attestation of these two…
Sciences in Islam
“We (God) shall show them Our signs in the Universe and within themselves, until it becomes clear to them that this is the Truth.” (Quran 41:53) The Quran, the book of Islam, is the final book of revelation from God to humanity and the last in the line of revelations…
The Inclusiveness of Islam
(part 1 of 3): The Finality of Prophethood What is meant here by “the inclusiveness of Islam” is that fact that Islam is for all times and places. Regardless of who a person may be or where he may be, Islam should be his religion and his way of life….
Islam Q&A
Traps of Satan The wise person is he who studies his enemies’ strategies and takes the precautions and measures to defeat them. Your Lord has warned, “Indeed Satan is an enemy to you, so take him as an enemy…” Qur’an 35:6 History of Satan (Iblis) Satan was created from…
Salvation in Islam
(part 1 of 3): What is Salvation? Islam teaches us that salvation is attainable through the worship of God alone. A person must believe in God and follow His commandments. This is the same message taught by all the Prophets including Moses and Jesus. There is only One worthy of…
Prophethood in Islam .
Allah (God), the Creator of the universe and everything in it, created humans for a noble purpose: to worship Him alone and lead a virtuous life based on His teachings and guidance. However, one cannot fulfil this purpose without receiving clear guidelines from Allah. Allah, the Most Merciful and Just,…