
My Hijab is My Freedom!

Hijab, or head piece…or head cover. Or scarf, or headscarf- they all pretty much refer to the same thing: the head covering of a Muslim woman. The word is originally Arabic, and is literally defined as “Cover” or “veil”. Though this word has been confined to the piece of material which is used to cover- … Read more

Deny God, Deny Reality

There is a profound question that each and every one of us reflects on at some point during our lives: “Why am I here? What is my purpose?” When we reflect upon our own existence we will come to the realisation that, at some point in time, we began to exist. Since we once did … Read more

He Died For Our Sins – Was Jesus Really Crucified?

Throughout history, heroic tales of self-sacrifice have always appealed to mankind. The notion of Jesus sacrificing himself to redeem us is a noble one, and undoubtedly is an aspect of Christianity that resonates deeply with its followers. Although it’s an emotional and perhaps beautiful notion, is it true, was Jesus really crucified? The Theology of … Read more

God: Delusion or Simple Conclusion?

As part of their Discover Islam Week, iERAs Hamza Tzortzis was invited by the Cardiff University Islamic Society (ISOC) to deliver a lecture entitled: ‘God: Delusion or Simple Conclusion?’ at Cardiff University. Hamza spoke about metaphysical first principles and the argument from dependency also referred to as the argument from contingency. These type of lectures usually … Read more

Less than 5 Mins – Pillars of Islam

The first and most important pillar ofIslam is the testimony of faith. It is a simple yet powerful declaration which forms the basis of Islam. It means that there is no God worthy to be worshiped except for Allah, andMuhammad is the Messenger. The second pillar of Islam is Prayer. God has commanded Muslims to … Read more