
How Islam Deals With Sadness and Worry

(part 1 of 4): The Human Condition The average human being in the developed world battles sadness and worry on a daily basis. While the majority of the world’s population confront extreme poverty, famine, conflict and despair those of us privileged to lead relatively easy lives must tackle fear, stress, and anxiety. Why are those … Read more

Soorat Al-Faatihah Explained

Al-hamdu lillaahi rabbil-‛aalameen “Praise be to Allah, the Lord of all the worlds.” (1:2): I extol Allah with all His attributes, acts and apparent and hidden blessings, with due love and reverence. Rabb (translated here ‘Lord’) refers to Almighty Allah, the Creator, Owner, Provider and Disposer of all affairs. The ‘worlds’ refers to anything apart … Read more

Bible Prophecies of Muhammad (part 1 of 4): Witnesses of Scholars

The Bible is the sacred scripture of Judaism and Christianity.  The Christian Bible consists of the Old Testament and the New Testament, with the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox versions of the Old Testament being slightly larger because of their acceptance of certain books not accepted as scripture by Protestants.  The Jewish Bible includes only … Read more

Eight Major Events That Shook the World in Ramadan

Beginning with the descent of the Quran, the month of Ramadan has always signaled a month of important historical events. We’ve compiled a short list to capture only a selection of these great feats: 1.     The Quran was revealed. As Allah mentions in Surah Al-Baqarah, Ramadan is the month in which the Quran was revealed. “The … Read more