
Who are the Strangers?

Prophet Muhammad, may the mercy and blessings of God be upon him, said, “Islam began as something strange, and it shall return to being something strange, so give glad tidings to the strangers.”[1] It was asked, “Who are those strangers, O Messenger of God?” He replied, “Those that correct the people when they become corrupt.”[2] … Read more

The Value of Time

What is time, what causes it? Is it a dimension, can you slow it down or speed it up? When we think of time we tend to think of the ways in which we measure the passing of time, a clock or watch, or we think of a measured interval of time such as an … Read more

Traps of Satan

The wise person is he who studies his enemies’ strategies and takes the precautions and measures to defeat them. Your Lord has warned, “Indeed Satan is an enemy to you, so take him as an enemy…” Qur’an 35:6   History of Satan (Iblis) Satan was created from smokeless fire. Though he was not an angel, … Read more

The Importance of Prayer–

Despite prayer being so important, it is a sad fact that many Muslims do not pray or fulfil the conditions of the prayer. Its purpose is to put ourselves in touch with God; to strengthen our relationship with Him; to be grateful for all His blessings; and to remind ourselves of His Greatness. Just as … Read more

The necessity of understanding hadith

We found that many of the authors of Islamic magazines mention ahadith and attribute it to the prophet -prayers and peace of Allah be upon him- without mentioning its sources from the books of Sunan. In addition to that, they confirm its attribution to the prophet -prayers and peace of Allah be upon him-, and … Read more

Principles of Self Development in Islam

(part 1 of 3) Development carries the notion of enhancement of one’s capabilities and potentials. It implies a forward movement from a given position to a position of greater achievement, opportunity and benefit. In order to develop, individually or collectively, it is necessary to define the goals one wishes to achieve, factors that influence development, … Read more

Keeping God in the Heart

One must understand this world in the context of Monotheism (Belief in the Oneness of God). The message of the prophets is simple: People were created to worship God alone.. The God of Islam is a Loving Beloved God (al-Wadud), a Compassionate God (ar-Rahman), a personal God who showers those who adhere to His way … Read more

The Ideal Personality of a Muslim

His Attitude Towards God One of the most distinguishing features of the Muslim is his deep faith in God and his conviction that whatever happens in the universe and whatever befalls him, only happens through the will and the decree of God. The Muslim is closely connected to God, constantly remembers Him, puts his trust … Read more

A Month of Blessings

One of the qualities of human nature that Islam encourages people to uphold is generosity. The need to be generous towards family, friends, neighbors, strangers and even enemies, is mentioned repeatedly throughout the Quran and the authentic traditions of Prophet Muhammad, may the mercy and blessings of God be upon him. There is no better … Read more

What is Eid ul Adha?

The twelfth month of the Islamic calendar is called Dhul Hijjah. It is the month that contains one of the greatest pillars of Islam – Hajj or the major pilgrimage. It also contains one of only two Islamic reoccurring festivals, Eid ul Adha. These two special occasions, the Hajj and Eid ul Adha, are inextricably … Read more