
Saumya, Ex-Hindu, India

When the truth is revealed to you and you stand face to face with it, how long can you refuse to accept it? How long would you run away denying it? There comes a point in your life when you have to break free from all the chains that hold you back from answering the … Read more

Amber Acosta, Ex-Catholic, USA

Why did I become Muslim? I can clearly remember the day I officially converted at Al-Azhar Mosque in Cairo, I came right from the state of Connecticut (US), but what lead up to that day remains as a somewhat subconscious, yet continuous quest for God. As a child, I was always sure of religion and … Read more

Oum Abdulaziz, Ex-Christian, USA

(part 1 of 4): Islam and Christianity I did not become Muslim overnight. In fact, at first, learning about Islam came quite unexpectedly on my part. I had simply become acquainted with some Muslims and questioned them wanting to understand something of their beliefs. I was surprised to discover many similarities between the teachings of … Read more

S. E. Levine, Ex-Jew, USA

(part 1 of 2) My husband and I had gone to the masjid (mosque) for a speaker’s program. It was the first time that he had invited me to the masjid since our marriage a year or so earlier. We had met and married while we were both working as substance abuser counselors in a … Read more

Diana, Ex-Mormon, USA

I was raised in a moderately Christian home in Colorado. Religion was never much of an issue in my house. My father was raised as a Mormon, my mother as a Protestant. As I grew into adolescence, I became curious about God, wondering whether He existed, and if so, what did that mean to humans. … Read more

Amina, Ex-Christian, USA

I was born in Canada to Christian parents from European descendants. I was raised in Canada for the first several years of my life. Then my parents became missionaries. We moved all over the U.S.A. and Europe, while my family tried to make people become Christian. Finally we moved to Jerusalem. There I discovered so … Read more

Anne Collins, Ex-Christian, USA

I was raised in a religious Christian family. At that time, Americans were more religious than they are now—most families went to church every Sunday, for example. My parents were involved in the church community. We often had ministers (Protestant “priests”) in the house. My mother taught in Sunday school, and I helped her. I … Read more

Maria, Ex-Catholic, USA

(part 1 of 2): Early Life Setup My name is Maryam al-Mahdayah – I was not born with this name, but chose it when I converted to Islam (in 1992). My Christian birth name is Maria (Mary in English, Maryam in Arabic). I would like to share with you my personal story of converting to … Read more