
Karla, Ex-Christian, USA

My conversion process to Islam was a long one (it took 20 years!). It started when I was twelve. I went to this overpriced private school, very Anglophile and we were made to wear uniforms. We studied in Forms as opposed to grades, etc. Anyways, it was in a class where we were studying the … Read more

Why Are Women Turning to Islam

The status of women is society is neither a new issue nor is it a fully settled one, and where Islam is mentioned, for many the term ‘Muslim Women’ prompts images of exhausted mothers chained to the stove, ‘victims’ suppressed in a life of indoctrination, frantic to be westernised and so on. Others will go … Read more

My Muslim Husband

It’s been 12 years since I married my Muslim husband and the road has truly been long and winding, but happy. At the time we got married I was Catholic and had no intention of converting to Islam. My new husband was very understanding and only asked that I at least try to read an … Read more

Sally, Ex-Catholic, Philippines

I was brought up in a devout Catholic family and raised with Catholic values and traditions. At fifteen, I entered the monastery. While inside the monastery, I was happy because I could perform my duties as a nun and the people around me including my family were also pleased with me. Until such time when … Read more