
Natasa, Ex-Catholic, Slovakia

I converted to Islam two months ago and did not think it important to share my story, but in the past few days, I realized that I myself benefitted from other new Muslims’ stories, so why not let someone benefit from my journey to Islam?Inshallah (God-Willing) someone will read it and come to the truth … Read more

Sally, Ex-Catholic, Philippines

I was brought up in a devout Catholic family and raised with Catholic values and traditions. At fifteen, I entered the monastery. While inside the monastery, I was happy because I could perform my duties as a nun and the people around me including my family were also pleased with me. Until such time when … Read more

Melissa Riter, Ex-Christian, USA

I was raised in a sadly dysfunctional family. My father was anti-religion (all religions) and my mother was a non-practicing Southern Baptist. On my father’s side of the family, religion was something to ridicule while one was “straight” and to adopt when one was drunk or high. On my mother’s side of the family, religion … Read more

Sariya Islam, Ex-Catholic, India

My story starts in 1979 when God bought me into this world into a very religious and spiritually aware family. We were Orthodox Roman Catholics before our reversion to Islam. My family being quite well to do was actively involved in Church and Parish affairs. And so we had, and still do have Priests, Nuns … Read more