
Lynette Wehner, Ex-Catholic, USA

My new position at the Islamic school was received with reserved enthusiasm from my Christian family. “Just make sure you do not convert,” my father-in-law at the time told me when he found out about it. My mother-in-law was intrigued by the idea of being around something “exotic”. I grappled with whether I wanted to … Read more

Karima Burns, Ex-Christian, USA

I sat in the Alhambra Mosque in Granada, Spain staring at the script that bordered the walls. It was the most beautiful language I had ever seen. “What language is that?” I said a Spanish tourist. “Arabic,” they answered. The next day, when the tour attendant asked which language I wanted my tour book in, … Read more

Phreddie, Ex-Christian, USA

I will say right away that I am very young. I am only 18, and that fact seems to astound most people. I think it is proof that we are never too young to begin looking for God, or to understand His truth. I was raised Christian, nondenominational. We were never big church goers, but … Read more

Marcela, Ex-Mormon, El Salvador

My story begins in El Salvador. I was born in San Salvador, El Salvador, and at the age of 12 (19 years ago), I migrated to Australia with my mother, my brother and sister. From the moment we arrived in Australia, I remember visiting different Christian churches of differing sects as we used to do … Read more