
Steinmann, Ex-Secularist, UK

No other religion professed by a large community have I found so comprehensible and encouraging. There seems no better way towards tranquility of mind and contentment in life, no greater promise for the future after death. The human being is part of a whole; man cannot claim more than being just a particle of creation … Read more

Walter Gomez, Ex-Christian, USA

My conversion to Islam has alarmed many friends and family members. It seems to them strange and odd for a Latino like me to become a Muslim. Catholic and Protestantism are the leading religions in Latin America so these are reasonable religions for any Latin American to convert to, but when my family follows either … Read more

Sam Needham, Ex-Agnostic, UK

I think I first became aware of Islam through watching Spike Lee’s film Malcolm X. Though America’s Nation of Islam is more a political movement Malcolm X did convert to orthodox Islam after going for Hajj. I was impressed even back then when I was 15, how a lowlife hoodlum could completely rewire his upbringing … Read more