
Jim Cate, Ex-Christian, USA

I was raised as a Christian and went to a fundamentalist Bible believing church. I made a profession of faith to Jesus in 1969. In all of my years as growing up Christian, I read and studied the Bible regularly. Later on, I enlisted in the US Marines and led Bible studies with my troops. … Read more

Ali, Ex-Christian, USA

My name is Ali. I’m a 31 year old Mexican born in America or as some would say a Chicano. I thought I would make a webpage to tell my story of how I became a Muslim. I think it will Insha’Allah (God willing) help people understand Islam and why it attracted me. People have … Read more

Anthony Greene, Ex-Christian, UK

Lanky, blonde, green-eyed, middle aged Abdur-Raheem Greene appears to be a character straight out of a Hollywood movie Ben Hur. The Tanzania-born Britisher embraced Islam in 1988 and has been a dawah practitioner [preacher] in Britain since then. He wears a look that instantly evokes comparison with the popular portrayal of the Prophet Jesus [may … Read more