
Wer ist der Schöpfer?

Can it be matter? A very well known question among atheists is: ‚Assuming that the existence of temporal things would need an eternal reason, why should it be the god of religion? Why can’t matter be eternal and therefore no need for an eternal creator? ´ I could argue on an Islamic and at the … Weiterlesen


Atheism (part 1 of 2): Denying the Undeniable   The greatest tragedy in life is to lose God and not to miss Him. ” –FW Norwood atheists may affirm that they do not recognize the existence of God, but the view of some Christians and all Muslims is that even die-hard atheists confirm God’s presence … Weiterlesen

Kreationismus, Evolution, Intelligentes Design oder Islam?

Creationism, natural selection, intelligent design, the theory of evolution. Thinking about the creation of the world, the universe, and humanity can be confusing. There are theories, opinions, and beliefs that claim that the creation of the universe was pure coincidence, that humans developed from apes, and that living beings climbed out of the original swamp. … Weiterlesen

Wer ist Allah?

Some of the greatest misunderstandings that many non-Muslims have about Islam revolve around the word “Allah”. For various reasons, many people have come to believe that Muslims worship a different God than Jews and Christians. This is absolutely wrong because „Allah“ is simply the Arabic word for „God“ – and there is only one God. … Weiterlesen