
Was ist Islam?

(part 1 of 4): The core of Islam   God has endowed humanity in His grace and favor with the innate ability to recognize and recognize His existence. He planted this awareness deeply into their hearts as a natural disposition that has not changed since humans were first created. In addition, He reinforced this natural … Weiterlesen

Warum Islam?

Let’s talk openly. Non-Muslims hardly ever deal with Islam until they are exhausted for the first time from the revelations of their religions. Only when they become dissatisfied with the religions they know, that is, Judaism, Christianity and all the modern „things“ – Buddhism, Taoism, Hinduism (and, as my little daughter added, „tourism“ ) – … Weiterlesen

Einleitung in muslimische Wissenschaft

A few centuries before Jesus, the outstanding Greek civilization began to blossom, producing such outstanding brains as Aristotle, Euclid, Socrates, Galen and Ptolemy. Her contributions to philosophy, mathematics, geography, astronomy and medicine became cornerstones of modern science. Then the control of the Romans weakened and the subsequent rise of Christianity brought the calendar we all … Weiterlesen

Wie beeinflusste die Ausbreitung des Islam die Entwicklung der Wissenschaften?

Wie beeinflusste die Ausbreitung des Islam die Entwicklung der Wissenschaften? Der Islam fordert den Menschen auf, die Kräfte seines Geistes und seiner Beobachtung zu nutzen. In den wenigen Jahren der Ausbreitung des Islams erblühten große Zivilisationen und Universitäten. Die Synthese von westlichen und östlichen Ideen und von alten und neuen Gedanken brachten großartige Fortschritte in … Weiterlesen